Daily Bus Service
Baca Dlo'ay azhi Community School provides daily bus transportation for day students. Our buses stop at designated locations only, and students must follow specific rules to maintain a secure environment for everyone on board.
Bus Rules
- Be at the bus stop on time.
- Treat fellow students and the bus driver with respect.
- Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Keep the aisle and exits clear and all body parts inside the bus.
- Courteous behavior is always expected; inappropriate language or gestures are prohibited.
- The use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs is strictly prohibited on the bus.
- To maintain cleanliness, food, and drinks are prohibited on the bus.
- Students and their families are responsible for any damages to the bus caused by the student.
- Students should not distract the driver at any time.
- Always listen to and follow the bus driver’s instructions.
Failure to adhere to these rules may result in losing bus riding privileges.
Bus Change Requests
Students must obtain a temporary bus pass if they need to ride a bus different from the one assigned. Parents or guardians must provide written notice or call the Baca Dlo'ay azhi Community School front office at least one hour before dismissal on the requested day.
Families who move must notify the front office promptly to update transportation arrangements.
Transportation Cancellation Due to Inclement Weather
In the event of a school delay or cancellation, a message will be posted on the Schoology App and Class Dojo.