Health Services
Baca Dlo’ ay azhi Community School follows strict healthcare policies and procedures to ensure the health and safety of every student and visitor. Teachers monitor all students’ conditions to provide timely responses and treatments for illness or injury. The school nurse or the nurse's assistant will collaborate with staff members, parents/guardians, and students to promote a safe and healthy environment.
Student Illness Procedures
Students are to remain home if they are ill. If a student becomes ill and cannot remain in class, the teacher will send the student to the school nurse or front office. The school nurse or administrator will contact the student's parent/guardian to pick up the student at the school. Indian Health Services or the appropriate medical personnel will determine if a student should be separated or isolated. The child will remain with a staff member who will ensure the student is checked every 10 minutes until parents/guardians pick them up.
Dispensing Medication (prescription and over-the-counter)
Teachers are not permitted to administer any medications to students. Students should not have any medication in their possession, and all student medications should be turned into the office to be dispensed by office staff only. Medications should remain in their original prescription container.
Medical Emergency
Students who are experiencing turmoil, any type of health crisis, or are in danger of harming themselves should contact a teacher, principal, or staff member for assistance. In a medical emergency, Baca Dlo’ ay azhi Community School will immediately transport the student to the local health facility/hospital. Baca Dlo’ ay azhi Community School will notify the parent/guardian as soon as possible, and staff will remain with the student until parents/guardians pick them up.