Family Involvement
Baca Dlo’ ay azhi Community School recognizes the value of parent/guardian contributions to a student’s academic success. Families are equal partners in the learning process as we encourage parents/guardians to be part of their child’s dedicated team of educators. Parents are their children’s first teachers, and their involvement continues as they advance through our educational program. Teachers, support staff, administrators and school board members offer parents/guardians various opportunities to help develop an effective educational plan.
In addition to building ties with parents/guardians, Baca Dlo’ ay azhi Community School develops appropriate roles for community-based organizations and local businesses to participate in family involvement activities. We also provide reasonable support to parent/guardian requests for family involvement activities. Research demonstrates that children do their best when parents/guardians play the following roles in their children’s learning:
- Parents/guardians help children at home.
- Supporters contribute their skills to the school.
- Advocates help children receive fair treatment.
- Decision makers solve problems at every level.
Parent Advisory Committee
The Parent Advisory Committee is composed of parents/guardians and school personnel. The PAC develops the school’s plan for parents/guardians' involvement in the learning process. During PAC meetings, held on the first Thursday of every month, the school plans, reviews, and improves the school’s Parent/Guardian Involvement Policy, which encourages the timely and active involvement of parents/guardians.
Parent/Guardian-School Compact
The Parent/Guardian-School Compact outlines how parents/guardians, the school staff, and students share the responsibility of building and developing a partnership for student achievement. The school is responsible for providing high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment. Parents/guardians are responsible for supporting their child’s education by monitoring attendance and homework completion.
The compact emphasizes the importance of ongoing two-way communication between instructional staff and parents/guardians. The Parent Advisory Committee performs an annual review and update of the Parent/Guardian-School Compact. Family involvement enables students to meet the academic achievement standards of the Navajo Nation.